3.1 miles / 28 min/ Treadmill/ Wed
5.5 miles(approx)/ 48:56/ Hills/ Thurs
6.2 miles (approx)/ 1 hr./ Hills/ Sat
10.4 miles/ 1:47/ Hills/ SunA decent week of training last week. Missed one short weekday run but I have learned that it's actually ok to miss one now and again. It's the middle run that is most important and the weekend runs. Since I am a bit behind in the schedule in terms of actual mileage, I just ran 10.4 on Sunday instead of the scheduled 12. I could have run 12, but I also realize I need to listen to my body and be smart. This week is what they call a "step-back" week, where the mileage decreases. It's like you take 2 steps forward and one step back. But, this is a good thing. I feel I should be able to catch up this week and be totally on schedule by next Monday.
The body is holding up just fine. The weather has been perfect…not very cold at all. Of course, this may change at any moment. I also bought some new kicks today. On sale and then I used a coupon with a gift card. Free and then some. Who can beat that??