Wednesday, May 9, 2007

catching up and then some...

"The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. That's the essence of it."-Vince Lombardi

26:00 - run, hills (on street shaped like a U)

27:00 run - alpharetta greenway trail

36:33 - bike ride

20:35 - run - (just to loosen up after being so freaking stressed @work)

31:40 - 8.3 mile bike ride w/ hills
20:00 - basketball - non-stop dribbling & shooting

If you don't think playing basketball for this amount of time is a work-out, try it! It was also 80 degrees & humid.

I really enjoyed shooting hoops. I was working hard, but it was also very much PLAY for me. Especially after watching the Golden State Warriors last night. In my head, i thought, "there's Funtanilla..2 seconds left, fall away jumper..SCORE!"
It's great to be inspired!

Good short workouts these past days. Some more quality than others. But, I continue to like mixing it up. Tomorrow, I hope to get in longish run.

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