Monday, March 19, 2007

6 Days and counting

Over the weekend, I noticed the ING banners throughout my neighborhood, along some of the streets that are part of the marathon route. When I saw them, I got all excited. "That's my race", I thought. That is what I have been training for...another marathon...but this time, in the city in which i live. It IS exciting.

Weekend workouts were as follows: SAT: 11.3 miles - some of which was on the actual course -- a longer run than i needed, but i wanted to get the extra miles in. SUN: 3 short miles followed by weights & the gym. Sunday's quick jaunt was run from my gym and into Piedmont Park...which on a sunny, crisp, early sunday morning, was very UNpopulated. I had not run there in some time and it was like an old friend who welcomed me back. Trees are starting to bloom, the air was clean and crisp and the faint touch of wind was so welcome on my skin. I felt light and free having no water bottle or iPod with me. I love running through the park in such moments...when i can see the full wide empty fields, where it all looks untouched and precious. There were only a few fellow runners out and the walkers with their pups. There is a serenity in the early a.m. A time unlike any other. And then, i could sense an excitement in my belly for what will be in just one more week.

Another challenge

Another opportunity

Another be my own Hero


David said...

I hope you softened up some hills for me. I am a flatlander down here.

Kelly said...

Good for you, AF. You are a hero. Have a great final week of training!

Trinity2 said...

You go, baby!

afuntanilla said...

david - i have crushed the hills as much as possible, believe me!

kelly and trin -- thx, ladies!