Friday, January 19, 2007


I have been unable to get out of office this week for lunch. Tuesday, I ran at the GYM and then Wednesday, I ran outside. I was actually looking forward to it even though temperatures were pretty chilly. I got all bundled up and had my ASICS fleece cap on and headed out the door. The cold air and slight wind was SOOOO refreshing on my face. There were not too many of us runners out on the streets that early evening, but those of us who were passed one another and gave nods of acknowledgement: yep, I know who you are. You are just like me.

I love it.


Trinity2 said...

No- nods of craziness - "Yesh, you crazy like me to be out in this cold" ;-)

afuntanilla said...

or "yes, i'm an idiot just like you." LOL :)