Saturday, September 8, 2007

Time: 1:07:30
Distance: 6 miles

Details: trail run at sweetwater creek park. 70's, almost perfect weather! yeah!. Peanut Butter POWERBAR, prior

Reflections: had a pretty good run on the tough trail. much better than 2 weeks ago when it was so freaking humid. I forgot my gel which irritated me. and then, after the run was over, i felt i didn't go hard enough or long enough, blah, blah, blah. I gotta get over those thoughts but they kept me irratated this afternoon. I am planning too go 2+hours tomorrow at Kennesaw, regardless.

Looking forward to watching Federer Semifinal shortly....


Scott McMurtrey said...

i wish i had hair like mr. federer.

afuntanilla said...

i know. i love his hair!