Monday, September 3, 2007

Time: 1:19:50
Distance: 8 miles

Details: chocolate mint clif bar prior, vanilla powergel during, low humidity, 73 degrees..with the slightest breeze

Reflections: yeah, LOW HUMIDITY!! the lowest it has been in a while. i started late and had no idea how far i'd make it so was very happy to do 8. A good 3 days in a row of 10k race, 6, and 8!! Actually, i felt the best today. legs felt the best today. I swear, the humidity just sucks life right out of ya! From miles 6.5-8, I got my runners high. it's been a while. i was psyched!! i ran up the last hill i would face and the next .3 miles was downhill. I finished and was hootin' and hollerin' afterwards, right there in the middle of the street. i didn't care. some things just can't be contained. know what i'm sayin??

The streets were quiet, thankfully. Quite a few folks out on their bicycles. I bought a new water carrier in Huntsville. It's a NATHAN belt with a pocket and 2 10 ounce bottles. I'm glad to have this for a change instead of the handheld other bottle I have been using. Nice to have my hands free again. Once I get into the longer miles, I know i will need both.

Hope all got some good training in over these 3 days.



r.d. said...

Yup-know exactly what your saying...

Scott McMurtrey said...

i am so happy to not be in humid houston anymore (for running reasons). i was in georgia for four years also, and don't miss that humidity either. what i'm trying to say here is YAHOOOOO for the low humidity run. :)