Saturday, December 29, 2007

the last 2

friday nite:

2.25 miles/18:46/8:20 pace

treadmill, weights

saturday am:

2 miles/17:22/8:41 pace
outside with some hills

3 minute rest

1x400 - 1:49
1x400 - 1:52

cool down

Thursday, December 27, 2007

"It is true that speed kills. In distance running, it kills anyone who doesn't have it."
-brooks johnson

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


went to the gym after a sloooow day at the office

3.15 miles/28:15/8:57 pace

felt good.


I am thinking of signing up for ING Half Marathon in Atlanta late march. stay tuned..

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

christmas morning

gray skies, about 45 degrees. no wind. my goal was to run 4 miles at about 9 min/mile pace...but i had a faster pace and didn't want to slow down. so, i cut the run short and went faster.

2.5 miles/20:10/8:04 pace

walked a little bit afterwards through quiet streets. no place else i would have rather been!

came back home and ate some breakfast. a swell morning.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

2 miles/8:30 pace

followed by:

5 sprints up a short, steep hill
13-15 seconds per sprint.
felt awesome!


28:10 - 3.1 miles/9:05 pace
hr = 156


Thursday, December 20, 2007

the days have felt quite long and today i was weary. however, at one point i just had a laughing spell at work...just because i was sooo tired. tired from just i am sure lots of people are right about now. the year is quickly coming to an end and it's crunch time in lots of places. i felt "out of it" most of the day today...i feel like so many of my hours are spent at work or on work that i feel in some weird kind of daze. i'm not complaning, just commenting and noticing more for myself than anything else.
before leaving the office today, i was pretty certain i would NOT go to the gym. however, when i left and got into my vehicle...i drove in the direction of the club, so there i was. i was on the treadmill listening to ESPN's "Pardon the Interruption" (those 2 guys are funny!!) and soon enough, i was all wrapped up in my workout. And I was so HAPPY. And as I continued to run and then lift some weights, I realized part of myh happy feelings came from feeling like something was back in order...something was back on track..if even for just a little bit. My workout is a place just for me...away from work, people, all the current craziness of the holidays...away from everything except my own heartbeat, my own sweat and my own level of exertion and satisfaction. i'm so gratfeul.

no warmup
3 mile run/27:10/9:03 pace




1/4 mile warmup
2 miles/17:10/8:35 pace
1/4 mile cool down

fast, for me - especially since it was right out of bed, no food, couple sips of coffee...burning the fat, baby!

Monday, December 17, 2007


3k/16:00 minutes/8:35 pace
-outside, cold,!


1/4 mile warmup
2.25 miles; 8:49 pace
1/4 mile cool down

6 miles

Sunday, December 16, 2007

JFK 50 Mile PHOTOS!!

This was on a downhill portion of the Applachian Trail. Downhill! Notice how I am smiling!!

This was on the towpath, next to the Potomac River. I still had my trail shoes on so it was somewhere between 15-26 miles approximately.

Friday, December 14, 2007

another 6AMer

(from thursday)

1/4 mile warmup
2 miles/17:10/8:35 pace/mile
1/4 mile cool down


--feeling good....

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

6am workout

woke at 5:30am and decided it was a good idea to head to the gym. long days this week and any time i can find to get a workout in has got to be taken advantage of!

1/4 mile warmup
2.25 miles /19:32 / 8:41 pace
1/4 mile cool down


as i was getting dressed in the locker room and about to head on in to the office, i realized i forgot my bra and my blazer. oops! not too happy i had to drive back home to get those items. oh well, at least i got a quick workout in!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

from sunday

3.25 km (2.01 miles)
16:44 minutes (8:17 min/mile pace)

followed by

sprints up a short, steep grassy hill at park

5 sprints = 2 minutes
1 minute recovery
5 sprints = 2 minutes

A good little workout. Short, more intensity.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

"There is no finish line"
-Nike advertising slogan

Incredible weather here in Atlanta. high 60's-low 70's

BIKE - outside, hilly
33:34 minutes
7.75 miles

Friday, December 7, 2007

"one morning in boston, it was snowing so hard that i didn't think anybody would be going training, but i went down to the track anyway. billy smith was there, though. he opened the door and said, "the road to mexico is out there."
-David Hemery - won 400 meter hurdles in Mexico City 1968

this is absolutely one of my all time favorite quotes. it says so much...about both athlete and coach. it always gets me fired up!

.25 mile warm-up
2.30 mile run - 20 min/8:41 pace
.25 mile cool down

6 miles
16 minutes

Enjoyed a smoothie afterwards. great way to end a hectic friday. looks to be superb weather this weekend. hope to get out on my bike!

Monday, December 3, 2007

feeling better

"why should i practice running slow? I already know how to run slow. i want to learn to run fast."
-Emil Zatopek

.25 mile warmup
2.2 miles in 19 minutes/pace 8:38
.25 mile cool down

weights-upper body

Sunday, December 2, 2007

a vent

Not much has been going on with exercising. The past week, I did 3 very short runs; 2 outside and 1 on treadmill. It felt good to move my body and then afterwards, it didn’t feel so good. I felt like I labored way too much each time. Clearly, my body it trying to tell me something. I just don’t like what it is saying. I have had a ton going on these past 2-3 weeks. Here is a short re-cap: stressed out about making my first ever offer on a house (did not go through..for the better) flew to Baltimore and ran 34.4 freaking miles, got sick with food poisoning afterwards for 3 days (made worse by my vulnerable, comprised body); on the last day of being sick, hopped on a plane to LAS VEGAS for “thanksgiving/vacation”, spent 3.5 days having a blast gambling and such, but all in smoky environments. came back home and started my new position at work and have been working a ton.

When I look at this schedule, it makes sense my body would be tired and giving me signals. Sometimes, travel alone can do that to one’s body. Mixed in with all of it is being in contact or around so many people and you never know what happens in situations as such. BUT, I FREAKING HATE NOT FEELING 100%.
On my way outside today and over to a coffeeshop, i saw how quiet the Sunday streets were and the perfect running temperatures. I just wanted to run...

OK! Enough of all that. I’m gonna be using some of this “down” time to think and do some research on how I can improve my speed...especially leg stride/turnover. I already found a good source last night while checking out a book at Borders. I’m also checking out 2008 race schedules and looking to see what I want to do, especially during the first quarter of 2008.