Sunday, December 16, 2007

JFK 50 Mile PHOTOS!!

This was on a downhill portion of the Applachian Trail. Downhill! Notice how I am smiling!!

This was on the towpath, next to the Potomac River. I still had my trail shoes on so it was somewhere between 15-26 miles approximately.


Joe said...

That looks like fun. Was it cold that day?

Joe said...

I noticed you were not wearing your famous orange running shoes. :-)

afuntanilla said...

joe--yes cold--30 degrees at the start. noooo--left the orange adidas at home. YOU WILL SEE THEM AGAIN, however. :)

thethinker said...

Wow. 50 miles? I can't imagine how hard that must've been.

afuntanilla said...

thinkergirl....i only ran 34.4 of the 50!