Saturday, August 11, 2007

Distance: 7.09 miles
Time: 1:14

Details: 6AM start; 79 degrees, 66% humidity; chocolate chip clif bar before, powergel vanilla, during

Well, getting up at 5am for a 6am start was what i did, although i am not sure how much of a difference it made weather-wise. A little, but not much. The ranges of temps lately have been 70-103. Tomorrow, I might just push it up to 7am. Today was the earliest I have begun a run since the 5AM start to the SF Marathon in July 2006! I was a little nervous at the start, but considering how warm it was, i figured there were probably not many weirdos or murderers out on the street. I do worry about this, at times.
I do love running when it is quiet and the streets are empty. Usually that is only early on sunday morning. This morning i was able to run in the middle of many streets as there were no cars around as far as the eye could see. COOL. I need and want to get back to the trails, but I cannot go this early by myself. Hopefully by next weekend this outrageous heatwave will diminish some.

I felt pretty good out there this morning except for the fact that my upper quads are sore as hell. Two days ago, i did some exercises in my house and just overdid it, i guess. I really need a massage and i think i need to start doing some ice baths.

Last night for dinner, I had a burger with blue cheese. and a Stella. yum.

Hope all are staying cool and still training hard, smart. Cheers


Josh said...

Back from vacation and got caught up. Sounds like the heat down there has been a killer - good work getting the training in despite it! I didn't realize you were doing the 50 also. I gotta really get training for that!

Scott McMurtrey said...

hey hey! jfk 50 here we come!

i do NOT envy the heat you're running in over there. that deserves a big congratulations just for surviving a run.

JustRun said...

I know I had a comment... but then I read "burger with blue cheese and a Stella" and forgot everything else. :)

afuntanilla said...

josh & scott - thx for the support. i need it. i thought my head was gonna explode this weekend!!

just run girl -- now i know your weakenss. :)