Sunday, August 19, 2007

“You have to wonder at times what you’re doing out there. Over the years, I’ve given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement.”

- Steve Prefontaine

I DIG this quote! Doesn't it just about sum it up? It sure does for me.

Time: 1:01:36
Distance: 6.06 miles

Details: chocolate chip clif bar prior, stawberrt Clif Shot during, 8:30am start (so much for the early bird); 76 degrees, 87% humidity

Reflections: it would have been easy to stay in bed this morning. i made coffee and then sat in bed while drinking it, water and chowing down clif bar. i thought, "man, it would be easy to just slide down underneath my covers". But, i didn't. i got into gear and headed out. Overall, i felt stronger than yesterday. Maybe i got a boost from the Trout i had last night for dinner; it's protein and vitamin b12 helping to pull me along the streets of atlanta. I felt fairly strong all the way through, as oppossed to yesterday when i felt very sluggish. iPod stayed at home today so i could intentionally be alone with my thoughts and hear my own breathing. i do so quite a few people out with NO WATER and i just don't understand it! are they camels? how can they run without water? can anyone shed any light??

Hope everyone had good, strong runs this weekend that boosted your spirits and made you proud. Now, can we get a damn beer??


Scott McMurtrey said...

did someone say beer?

great job getting out there this weekend. those days when you don't want to go but do are really fulfilling, aren't they? i don't know about those waterless runners either. either camels or just walkers who run when they pass someone. :)

JustRun said...

Awesome run! Congrats!
I need to start eating trout I guess.

Josh said...

love pre. what a great quote.
in answer to your question - before my long runs (and before the ironman) I normally eat a bowl of oatmeal and either an apple or a banana, or some of each. I add a little honey or maple syrup and cinammon. I think it's yummy, the wife says it looks like gruel. For other, shorter workouts, I eat a half a Clif Bar and half an apple. Do you have a special, pre-run meal?

afuntanilla said...

josh, i just usually go with a bar before longer runs, but i have been getting earlier in the run...maybe i'll check out the oatmeal concoction!! :)