Friday, August 17, 2007

Today has been one of those days where I have felt just completely drained. I have had very little energy all day. And i don't just mean energy for training, but just basic energy for walking, talking, working, being..

I felt like someone just stuck a needle in my arm and drained me of every ounce of energy.

Ever had a time like this?


Trinity2 said...

Yeah, I've been feeling like this every day of this 100 degree month! I finally had to join back at my old gym to get a decent workout in!

r.d. said...

ALL THE TIME afunt, all the time. It's lack of stimulation... mental stimulation for me- I don't know for you...

afuntanilla said...

glad to know i am not alone, t2 & rd. hopefully we all will get some new energy now that the weekend is upon us.

Scott McMurtrey said...

this is how i've felt most of this week. i think something cosmic is going on this week to all the blog runners. :) but the weekend is looking better.