Sunday, October 7, 2007

Double Duty


Time: 1 hour, 11 minutes
Distance: 7.1 miles

Run was more fun today. Legs felt much better. Ran through streets of atlanta and hit the park 2 times. that was some of the only shade. 90 % humidity again. What the hell? Ankle felt good and I elected not to wear the brace. Iced afterwards.

While I was having coffee this morning, I re-visited my hand written journal entries from my training days for the San Francisco marathon in July 2005. It was humorous, revitalizing and reaffirming to read!


Time: 41:17
Distance: 4.25 miles, treadmill

Felt pretty good doing the double workout. I hope everyone had satisfying workouts or whatever this weekend.

Sad news about the 2 runners who died today while running The Army 10 Miler and Chicago Marathon. My prayers are with their families.


Josh said...

sounds like pretty tough conditions this weekend. Hopefully the humidity will come down a little over these final six weeks of prep!

JustRun said...

Wow, 90% humidity. Hang in there and hydrate well. :)

Scott McMurtrey said...

Double duty, huh? Rereading your journal really must have been motivating to get you out and run again the same day. :)

Isn't running fun?