Monday, October 29, 2007

Time: ? but faster than usual
Distance: approx 3.2 miles, outside

Ran a faster than usual 3+ miles with buddy DC today on a spectacular fall day. Monday's are usually an off day, but it actually felt really good to push the pace and feel my lungs stretch. know what i mean?

18 days til blast off............


Scott McMurtrey said...

i like a good lung stretch.

i was forwarded this link about the jfk. some good tips - mostly just motivation. ;)

Scott McMurtrey said...

oops - here's the real link

Trinity2 said...

Yeah, you kicked my butt!

Josh said...

Great to hear you're feeling good and running strong. I'm going back and forth from feeling great and feeling terrified!

afuntanilla said...

scott - thx for the link. i will check it out.

trin -- only cause you push me!

josh -- i, too, have moments of terror!!